Why Prenatal yoga?

This is all about taking some time for you! We are often in a rush to get everything ready for when baby arrives, maybe handing over work, sorting the house, catching up with friends and family but amidst the chaos it’s important to make some time for you. To slow down. To physically and mentally prepare yourself for the wonderful (and challenging) change ahead. A time to meet other women in the same space you are. To start to build your support group. To maintain physical strength and stamina to carry you to the end of your pregnancy. Breathing techniques to help in the moments where you may need to calm yourself during birth (and afterwards..).

Prenatal Yoga is a wonderful way to do this. My classes will combine both stretching and strengthening postures. I include breathing techniques which may help during the end of pregnancy and labour as well as any moments of overwhelm once your little one is here. We will also end the class with a lovely guided relaxation.

Prenatal Yoga has been shown to improve your strength and flexibility, help with your sleep and help to alleviate some (of the many) symptoms of pregnancy. It can also help reduce depression and anxiety as well as build connections with other women who really ‘get’ how you are feeling!

A lovely class to give yourself a moment of calm in, what can otherwise be, a busy countdown to baby arriving. You may have work to tie up, other children to look after or a to do list as long as your arm but the benefits of allowing yourself to slow down for an hour a week are huge. Stretch your changing and achy body, slow your breathing, calm your mind and take some time for you!

Classes currently paused, I hope to restart in the new year

Classes can be booked in blocks (£10 per class) or prebooked drop in (£12 per class). Send me an email with any questions or for exact dates or click below to book

Why Postnatal yoga?

After being pregnant and giving birth your body has a lot of recovering to do. Unfortunately, from my experience, we live in a society that, rather than care for new mums, piles on the pressure to ‘spring back’. This is incredibly unhelpful and can often cause more harm than good.

The postnatal yoga will encourage you too reconnect with your breath, rebuild your core and pelvic floor, get your body moving and release tension from your pregnancy, birth and caring for your baby. It will give you a bit of time for you. To slow down and focus on yourself, just what you need but may be struggling to get

Taking some time for yourself, taking care of your body in a room with other mums who are where you are. Honest, open conversation in a safe space. Remind yourself that, although motherhood can be incredibly challenging, you are not alone. You are doing an amazing job and you deserve some time to look after yourself too.

  • New Mums

    A gentle class for new mums focused on the body and mind.

    Some gentle stretches to ease those aches and pains and to start work on your pelvic floor and core through breath and posture work. The class will really aid your postnatal recovery.

    A safe space to discuss the varying emotions that come with birth and the beginnings of motherhood or adding another baby to your family.

    Perfect to come to once the initial support of your partner, family and friends has started to ease. The class will lead nicely into my postnatal yoga once you are ready.

    Class: Tuesday at 11:15 in Mini Me, Sutton Coldfield

    Classes booked in blocks term time only and work out as £10 per class. Send me an email with any questions or for exact dates or click below to book.

  • Postnatal, the early months

    A lovely class to get you moving again. Babies are extremely welcome as are their cries, giggles and pooey nappies. Whether they lie happily on the mat or want to get involved (or, most likely, a bit of both) I will give you options to suit both.

    Class: Monday 11:15 at Sutton Methodist church on south parade


    Class: Tuesday at 09:45 in Mini Me, Sutton Coldfield

    Classes booked in blocks term time only and work out as £10 per class. Send me an email with any questions or for exact dates or click below to book

  • Postnatal and movers

    This is a class for you where your baby is free to crawl, cruise or walk around. I will bring a few toys and ensure the room is safe for them to explore and we can get as much yoga done as possible. The class is, inevitably, a bit stop start but so nice for mums to get together and do something for them knowing their babies are expected to be off exploring.

    Class: Monday 09:45 at Sutton Methodist Church on South Parade

    Classes booked in blocks term time only and work out as £10 per class. Send me an email with any questions or for exact dates or click below to book

  • All about you!

    This essential class is aimed at mums to come to alone. A bit of you time with yoga focussing on rebuilding your core and stamina as well as a lovely relaxation at the end. I offer a range of options to suit varying fitness levels. Classes are £10 per class if block booked or £12 per class for a single pre booked class. Please send me an email with any questions or for exact dates or click below to book.

    Classes currently paused, I hope to restart in the new year