
  • I'm Kate

    I am here to support you and encourage you to care for you body and mind during pregnancy, early motherhood and beyond. To help you find your village of mums to share the highs and lows of this exciting chapter of your life. I know, from my own experience, how challenging ‘mum life’ can be and how it is essential to find the right group of women to surround yourself with.

    I am keen to focus on mums pre and postnatally. I attended Prenatal yoga classes and found they helped me so much during the pregnancy but also during labour too. However I found once my daughters were born the exhaustion, anxiety and loneliness really had an impact on me. I found fitting in self care really challenging and once the exhaustion started to catch up with me it became a bit of a downward spiral but I don’t think it needs to be this way.

    Both my girls started crawling quite early on which also meant a lot of classes for me weren’t accessible. This is why I am keen to offer classes where mums of early crawlers can still access a bit of self care when they probably need it the most.

    I really strongly believe that giving yourself some self care is one of the best gifts you can give your children. It took me 5 years to realise and I am still working hard to try and slot it in day to day without feeling guilty but I can see now I am a far better mum when I do make the effort to look after me as well.

    More information on my classes can be found by selecting ‘classes’ below. If you have any questions please do send me an email or find me on Instagram

    I hope to meet you soon,

    Kate xx